“What Were You Wearing?” Rise Organization’s Art Installation at the United Nations


“In fashion, this question celebrates identity, creativity, and influence. But for survivors of sexual assault, it’s used to blame them for the violence that happened to them. In one context this question is empowering. In the other, it takes away survivors’ agency. By boldly showing the world what we were wearing, we believe we can open minds and shift attitudes about what sexual assault looks like. The outfits in this exhibit are 103 in total, representing the 1.3 billion survivors of sexual violence across the globe.” - Rise

This exhibit was created by Rise and Amanda Nguyen and made possible by the Spotlight Initiative,.

photography and video: Andrew Tyler White, creative direction and editing: Sam Bates

A photo of mannequins at the United Nations Exhibit titled "what were you wearing?".  The exhibit displays the outfits of sexual assault survivors when they were assaulted.
Amanda Nguyen looking at mannequins at the United Nations Exhibit titled "what were you wearing?".  The exhibit displays the outfits of sexual assault survivors when they were assaulted.
A photo of mannequin displays the outfits of sexual assault survivors when they were assaulted.
A photo of mannequins at the United Nations Exhibit titled "what were you wearing?".  The exhibit displays the outfits of sexual assault survivors when they were assaulted.
Amanda Nguyen looking at mannequins at the United Nations Exhibit titled "what were you wearing?".  The exhibit displays the outfits of sexual assault survivors when they were assaulted.
A photo of mannequin displays the outfits of sexual assault survivors when they were assaulted.
A photo of Amanda Nguyen carrying a manniquine at the United Nations Headquarters that is displaying the dress she was wearing while assaulted.
A photo of mannequins at the United Nations Headquarters lobby Exhibit titled "what were you wearing?".  The exhibit displays the outfits of sexual assault survivors when they were assaulted.
President Julius Maada Bio at the United nation with Rise and Amanda Nguyen during the presentation of a petition.  September 2022
President Julius Maada Bio at the United nation with Rise and Amanda Nguyen during the presentation of a petition.  With dresses of sexual assault survivors. September 2022
President Julius Maada Bio and ambassador Victoria Sulimaniat the United nation with Members of Rise and Amanda Nguyen during the presentation of a petition.  September 2022

View more of our work with the United Nations, Rise and Spotlight Inactive:


Nylon Magazine Editorial: Sustainable Swimwear


Survivor Fashion Show with rise Organization at the Moma SS21